To Blog or not to blog that is the question...

I have been wondering whether to blog for a while now. What should I blog about? Would anyone be interested in my blog? Why makes a good blog? But here goes.
Firstly I am going to give you a quick background of myself. I am a 38 male, who lives in a beautiful part of the world, North Wales. I have a wonderful family, three kids, two dogs, two goldfish and three squating mice in the garage.
I work for myself running a small but friendly bicycle service and repair business. I am lucky I do a job I love but like all jobs and a busy home life I don't get chance to do my one true passion enough cycling.
I love cycling either road or mountain biking. I just wish I could do more of it. I am member of a great cycling club, Pedal and crank cycling club. These guys are a great bunch of lads. It is different to lots of clubs out there P&CCC is purely social based. I don't mean we go out and stop at every pub, but we all enjoy a slice of cake, a pint, a coffee or in my case any form of chocolate cake. The main thing I love about these guys and the club is that you can talk to them about anything; personal stuff to what is your favourite donut filling.
Cycling has helped me through some dark days, heavy depression,and being part of a club helped me through it. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have these guys to ride with and listen to me and not judge or be judgmental. Well I do, do something stupid, probably.
I would recommend joining P&CCC for a ride out and seeing what a friendly group of riders they are. We are out most weekends and nights in the week.
Well that is probably enough for my first blog, check out my shop at and our club at